Sunday, February 6, 2011

Half-time shmaf-time

Can someone tell me why the Super Bowl Half-Time Show has, in recent years, become the most over-produced, predictable, circus of supposed 'entertainment' imaginable?  I'm sorry but the Black Eyed Sneeze are lucky they had those colorful high-tech outfits (as well as what seemed to be well over 100 choreographed dancers who were sporting those glow-in-the-dark jackets), because otherwise no one watching would have made it all the way through.  Is it true?  Are we really de-volving over time in the field of arts & entertainment, is it true that we are creatively dumber than our Renaissance & Enlightenment ancestors?  Are we really satisfied with simple infantile stimulations of color & motion.  Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Shakespeare could keep 100 million Superbowl viewers entertained for ten minutes let alone twenty, but could we please at least get some real talent on the stage?  Get a kick-ass rock band up there (a young one), strip down the spectacle (of course you'll still need some simple yet effective pyrotechnics), and just let people enjoy some good meaningful songs with memorable melodies sang by a guy with true passion in his heart.  Imagine the wave of residual inspiration that would surge through homes all across the nation.  Now that would be some real entertainment.

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